Monday, September 8, 2008

A Happy Morning

We had a pleasant morning of smiling, talking and dancing (a new morning ritual). Fortunately for me, Brody has developed an affinity for Norah Jones and Sondre Lerche (the soundtrack from Dan in Real Life), so we spend some time each morning dancing around the room, which we both enjoy.

I've decided my little boy likes to give me a challenge.  All attempts to catch him smiling result in (at best) a turned head.  This photo from last night was the best I could manage.

Brody was in a talkative mood this morning.  While Mommy was making breakfast, he had an in-depth conversation with Mr. Bird.  I'm not sure what was said, but it was a long talk in which Brody yelled at Mr. Bird for something at one point--maybe they were discussing the upcoming presidential election?


Cat said...

Ack he is so cute! I can't wait till our boys can get together and have a chat of their own! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim!
This is Jessica (you know...the red-head from Giessen you helped w/ math :) I'm so happy for you!!! (and your husband) He's such a cute baby!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :) This makes a very good ending to my day!!! <3

~Jessica Cox