Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Cardinals Game

To catch everyone up to speed, Brody went to his first Cardinals vs. Pirates game here in Pittsburgh, sporting his new Cardinals outfit.  Thanks to Jim's parents, we had amazing seats.  Brody made it on the "Kids Cam" on the big screen, but they zoomed in on his face so that no one would see that he was a Cardinals fan.  He stayed up on the screen for a long time--what can I say, I have a cute kid.  
That same night there was a Steelers home game, so Brody put on the new Steelers outfit he got from Aunt Carolyn.  The ball cap that matches the outfit is a little too big to wear correctly, so we set it on his head backwards--it looks a little more like a beret this way, and Jim claims it makes him look French.

A happy baby ready for bed.

Brody in his Steelers/Frenchman outfit.

Unfortunately, the Cardinals didn't win this one--Brody seems upset about a bad play. 


1 comment:

Cat said...

Hehe he does look like a little Frenchman! I'm so impressed that he was good through a whole game. What a sweet little boy :)